


June 07, 2023
Foreign reserves and Gold

Foreign reserves and Gold

Data of the Central Bank of Iraq until the end of May 2023 regarding forei .

June 06, 2023
The Central Bank of Iraq organizes a workshop for banking and financial institutions

The Central Bank of Iraq organizes a workshop for banking and financial institutions

The Central Bank of Iraq, in coordination with the Anti-Money Laundering a .

June 01, 2023
CBI promotes the use of payment devices (POS) in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers

CBI promotes the use of payment devices (POS) in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers

The Central Bank of Iraq announces the entry into force of Cabinet Resolut .

June 01, 2023
CBI announces the purchase of gold of approximately 2.3 tons, and maintains its rank globally

CBI announces the purchase of gold of approximately 2.3 tons, and maintains its rank globally

The Central Bank of Iraq announced the purchase of new quantities of gold .

May 30, 2023
CBI discusses the electronic collection project via POS devices

CBI discusses the electronic collection project via POS devices

The Central Bank of Iraq discussed in the annual Iraqi banking conference .

May 29, 2023
The Central Bank Organizes a Training Course in Erbil

The Central Bank Organizes a Training Course in Erbil

The Center for Banking Studies at the Central Bank of Iraq organized a tra .

May 29, 2023
In the presence of the Central Bank of Iraq, the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council is held in Jeddah

In the presence of the Central Bank of Iraq, the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council is held in Jeddah

Meetings of the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council were held in the city of .

May 27, 2023
Duties of the Office of the Compliance Controller

Duties of the Office of the Compliance Controller

Duties of the Office of the Compliance Controller Verify and ens .

May 23, 2023
The Central Bank receives a delegation from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

The Central Bank receives a delegation from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

The Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, Prof. Dr. Ammar Hamad Khalaf .

May 22, 2023
Transfer Commissions

Transfer Commissions

Referring to the approval of the Prime Minister on 4/5/2023. All licens .

May 21, 2023
The Central Bank Discusses the Use of the Solar Energy System

The Central Bank Discusses the Use of the Solar Energy System

The Central Bank of Iraq/ Mosul branch discussed with the Electricity Dist .

May 21, 2023
Central Bank issues instructions regarding prepaid cards

Central Bank issues instructions regarding prepaid cards

The Central Bank of Iraq issued instructions and controls regarding prepai .

May 21, 2023


May 21, 2023
The Central Bank Organizes a Workshop for Financial and Banking Services

The Central Bank Organizes a Workshop for Financial and Banking Services

The Central Bank of Iraq organized on Thursday, a workshop to discuss the .

May 19, 2023
Mosul Branch CBI Concludes the Activities of Financial Inclusion

Mosul Branch CBI Concludes the Activities of Financial Inclusion

The Central Bank of Iraq, Mosul branch, concluded the activities of financ .

May 15, 2023
Central Bank Governor receives the British Ambassador in Iraq

Central Bank Governor receives the British Ambassador in Iraq

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al .

May 13, 2023
The Central Bank of Iraq participates in the annual meetings of the Islamic Development Bank

The Central Bank of Iraq participates in the annual meetings of the Islamic Development Bank

A high-ranking delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq participated in th .

May 13, 2023
The Central Bank refers speculators with exchange rate issues to the competent courts

The Central Bank refers speculators with exchange rate issues to the competent courts

In response to citizens’ requests for the US dollar currency at the .

May 12, 2023
