
The Iraqi Central Bank celebrates the victory week

July 13, 2017
The Iraqi Central Bank celebrates the victory week

The Iraqi Central Bank celebrates victory and proud to overcome all financial challenges despite difficulties


The Central Bank of Iraq celebrated the victory of the support achieved by the Iraqi security forces of all its branches to recover the land from the forces of evil, During the celebration of Victory Day organized by the bank in its building The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail Alalak greet in his speech the heroes who wrote with their blood the most magnificent tournaments that restore prestige and dignity to Iraq and greet the martyrs who have written the righteous names in the history record, stressing that he will write what they accomplished and what They did it with letters of light.

"The governor added ''We have the right to be proud and proud as the nation that we have created the largest system of destruction, destruction, killing and superstition despite the difficult circumstances and the great challenges such as the economic and financial challenges, We have the right to be proud and cherish of our media that accompanied the Iraqi forces while they are defeating terrorism and some of them got injured or martyrs. They convey the facts of the battle moment by moment.

The Governor of the Bank attract that the Central Bank of Iraq and during this difficult period, which coincided with the financial challenges of a large decline in oil prices and a significant drop in oil imports of the country by up to 70%, it is entitled to be proud and cherish that he is the one "who closed this gap and the great shortage during that difficult period "The central bank was able to support the state treasury during the last period of about 20 trillion dinars, while at the same time he was defending daily and fighting for the protection of the national currency and To maintain the exchange rate has succeeded in that he did not wish to reflect any weakness in the reality of Iraq so as not to confuse the economic reality as well as its initiatives to support the national economy, including lending initiatives to various sectors of the economy of more than 6 trillion dinars in order to support these sectors and show his strength At this stage so that the country will not be weakened.

His excellency stressed that the current and future stage will be for the reconstruction and progress and the rows for all segments of the Iraqi people to build a single Iraq free from terrorism, and punctuated the ceremony honoring the number of martyrs of the employees of the Central Bank of Iraq, who were martyred during their fight against the terrorist organization of Daesh.

13 Jul 2017