
CBI Governor meets the European Union Ambassador

September 12, 2022
CBI Governor meets the European Union Ambassador

CBI Governor, Mr. Mustafa Ghaleb Mukhaeef, met, Monday, His Excellency the European Union Ambassador in Iraq, Mr. Villa Fariola. During the meeting, which was attended by the Banking Studies Center Director General at the CBI, bilateral economic and banking relations were discussed, especially in the training field. His Excellency welcomed the Ambassador, stressing the existence of good relations with the European Union countries, "and we seek to develop them." His Excellency referred to the growth of the CBI reserves of gold and foreign currencies during the last two years, and its positive impact on achieving financial stability in Iraq.
The Governor presented his desire to enhance cooperation in the training field for the Iraqi banking sector workers, and to benefit from experiences in European banking institutions, the European Union Ambassador praised the CBI efforts to remove Iraq from the European list of high-risk countries, indicating his desire to strengthen Iraqi-European relations in the economic fields. His Excellency the Ambassador pointed out the desire of a number of large European banks to finance investment projects, especially in the renewable energy field, considering that Iraq possesses in this aspect, appreciating the position of the CBI and its independence towards the political crisis, and noting the wisdom and high professionalism of the administration. It is worth noting that the for Banking Studies Center at the CBI annually holds dozens of training courses for employees of governmental and private banks to develop the capabilities of their employees.
Central Bank of Iraq
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