
CBI Governor Congratulates on Woman's Day

March 08, 2022
CBI Governor Congratulates on Woman's Day



CBI Governor Congratulates on Woman's Day
Today, Tuesday, His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, congratulated the Iraqi woman on Women's International Day, praising the great sacrifices she made to society her role in various areas of life.
His Excellency said: "The creativity of Iraqi women has transcended the borders of the country to reach international forums," Considering "this is evidence of their excellence and superiority, despite the difficulties and tribulations they faced during the past decades."
His Excellency added, "We are proud that the new building of the Central Bank was designed by one of the Iraqi women, the late Zaha Hadid."
His Excellency stressed that "the Central Bank is supportive of Iraqi women, especially female workers in the banking sector, and in the Central Bank who have a distinguished position in the Bank by assuming senior positions and involving them in decisions. The Central Bank continues to include women in its initiatives to enhance their economic and social level and give them the space that they deserve in society.
His Excellency praised "the efforts of women working in the Central Bank and the banking sector and the successes they have achieved."
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
8 Mar 2022