
Main functions of the Investments Directorate and Foreign Transfers

August 09, 2018
Main functions of the Investments Directorate and Foreign Transfers

Main functions of the Investment Directorate and Foreign Transfers

Investment Directorate aims to participate in executing Central Bank of Iraq policies through Official Reserve Management of the state foreign cash in accordance with the best international practices and the monetory goals. The Investments Directorate invests the foreign assets in safe financial instruments and achieves acceptable yields, also retention Gold in (CBI treasury and abroad), support the stability of Iraqi currency versus of foreign currencies through the follwing tasks:-
  1. Monitiraing & follow up the Central Bank balances and its assests abroad in coordination with related central Banks and Financial Instituions
  2. Dealing process (securities and deposite)
  3. Implementation of payments order
  4. Satllement
  5. Calculate the interest rate
  6. Mitigate risks that may be exposed the Foregin Reserves
  7. Reports preparation
  8. Statistical statements
  9. Management and follow –up oil credit letters