
Localization of Salaries

February 26, 2018
Localization of Salaries

Reforming project for employees' salaries payments mechanism of institutions and state
This project aims to pay salaries to state employees through cards issued by banks operating in Iraq. The project aims to reduce the total cost of paying salaries and maintaining cash within the banking system. Employees benefit from obtaining a bank account that enables them to deal with all ATM machines and points of sale inside the country. As well as the benefit of all other banking services offered by banks such as access to loans and others, in addition to the use of cards from safety rather than keeping cash, and that the strategy of this bank in creating a competitive environment safe for banks to provide And that the employee has the right to choose the bank according to the best financial and banking services and the most suitable prices.

§ Project Documents §

  1. Resolution of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in their books No.(SH.Z10/1/popularization/29805) , (TR/ 4/22631) , (SH.Z.L/10/1/5/27448) , (TR/1/42/003100dated (2/11/2016) , (17/7/2017) , (23/8/2017and (13/9/2018).
  2. The form of legal agreement that ministries can adopt as a guiding model when contracting with the relevant authorities.
  3. The forms of the salaries file to be issued by the ministries salaries system and institutions to be adopted in the transfer of funds through the payment system in a safe and efficient manner.
  4. Our books numbered (9/2/17977) and (23/296) and dated (25/12/2016) and (5/3/2017).
  5. Resolution of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers numbered (55) dated at 26/2/2019

» For more information and to answer your inquiries, please call (07812010971) and email (payment.dept@cbi.iq)