
The CBI Congratulates the Iraqi People on the Anniversary of the Declaration of Final Victory

December 11, 2022
The CBI Congratulates the Iraqi People on the Anniversary of the Declaration of Final Victory



The CBI Governor, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, congratulated the Iraqi people and Iraqi forces on the occasion of the declaration of final victory anniversary and the purification of the entire Iraqi land from the filth of the terrorist gangs of ISIS.

His Excellency said: “this victory would not have been achieved without the miracle that the Iraqi people and its Iraqi forces performed in all its forms, when the fatwa of sufficient jihad was issued, and the people rose to defend life and the future”, indicating that the CBI was at the heart of the battle when it confronted support for the state and public finances and strengthened its capacity on the sustainability of life through monetary policy tools.

It is a honorable coincidence that the CBI today celebrates its seventy-fifth anniversary on the occasion of the most glorious Victory Day. His Excellency added that the Iraqis blood that ran on the threshold of the homeland will irrigate our coming days, with work, effort and patience.


Central Bank of Iraq

     Media Office
