
Seventy-Five years of Giving

November 16, 2022
Seventy-Five years of Giving




Today is the seventy-fifth anniversary of the CBI founding, when the National Bank of Iraq was found on these days of 1947, to begin a triumphant march of monetary authority in our beloved country. This birth, which our people reaped and reaps its fruits with an honorable work, was an example of an institution belonging to its country, playing roles in progress and development and one of the engines of noble institutional work. We are not the only ones who are proud of the CBI, but our people, our institutions, and our banking sector are proud of this sumptuous national fruit in terms of its giving, performance, and the sustainability of its efforts. May God Almighty bless our country with this wonderful bank, and protect its steps by the protection of the Most Merciful and the efforts of its employees.


Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef

        CBI Governor 
