
The Center of Banking Studies organizes a seminar on removing Iraq from the European Union list of high-risk countries

February 09, 2022
The Center of Banking Studies organizes a seminar on removing Iraq from the European Union list of high-risk countries

The Center of Banking Studies organizes a seminar on removing Iraq from the European Union list of high-risk countries
The Center for Banking Studies at the Central Bank of Iraq organized a seminar to discuss the process of removing Iraq from the European Union's list of high-risk countries.
Dr. Ali Mohamed Jawad, an expert in the field of  Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorists, reviewed the efforts of the Central Bank, AML-CFT Council, AML-CFT Office, and other parties in removing the name of Iraq from the European Union's list of high-risk countries and international requirements for Banking Sector in Compliance and AML-CFT.
He pointed out that "everyone has begun to sense the importance of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as the presence of international bodies that follow up the procedures and steps that we regularly follow." Revealing a visit next year by (FATF) Financial Action Task Force for the mutual evaluation of the Republic of Iraq and procedures for addressing deficiencies in the past years." By completing the laws and instructions that we started.
He stressed that "international standards in AML-CFT have begun to evolve and add to their follow-up other non-financial sectors."
In conclusion, the seminar witnessed several discussions from the audience, including representatives of the departments of the Central Bank and banks.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
9 Feb 2022