
CBI Governor meets the Egyptian Finance Minister in Cairo

February 02, 2022
CBI Governor meets the Egyptian Finance Minister in Cairo

CBI Governor meets the Egyptian Finance Minister in Cairo
His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, met this evening with His Excellency the Egyptian Minister of Finance, Mr. Mohamed Maait, on the sidelines of His Excellency visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt. The two sides discussed both countries' financial and monetary challenges and the need to exchange experiences in the financial and monetary sectors, stressing the importance of coordinating financial and monetary policies to advance the economic aspect in general. The meeting touched conditions that the two countries faced in the past years, how to confront them, and the measures adopted by each government. The two sides stressed their keenness to exchange experiences.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
2 Feb 2022