
CBI Governor sponsors the Basra branch anniversary celebration

January 24, 2022
CBI Governor sponsors the Basra branch anniversary celebration

CBI Governor sponsors the Basra branch anniversary celebration


Today, Monday, His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, sponsored the celebration held by the Central Bank branch in Basra for the 65th anniversary of its founding. The Governor of Basra, Mr. Asaad Al-Eidani, and the province's banking and financial sector personalities attended the celebration.
His Excellency said, "Basra governorate represents the economic lung of Iraq and constitutes an important population and commercial weight, in addition to its historical position, and this is what calls us to strengthen the work of the banking sector in it." And added, "The development initiatives of the Central Bank have contributed to supporting and establishing projects in southern Iraq, and have positively impacted the economy in these provinces through the creation of new jobs and the expansion of the local industry."
His Excellency briefed on the work procedures of the bank's branch departments in Basra. He praised the "efforts made by the branch's management and employees," vowing to "overcome all obstacles and difficulties facing their work." On the sidelines of the celebration, His Excellency honored several distinguished banks operating in the governorate.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
24 Jan 2022