
Mosul branch organizes an introductory lecture on Arab financial markets

January 28, 2021
Mosul branch organizes an introductory lecture on Arab financial markets

The Central Bank of Iraq / Mosul branch organized an introductory lecture on (introducing Arab financial markets and clarifying the axes of the Arab Capital Markets Bulletin issued by the Arab Monetary Fund) and in coordination with the Training and Development section and the Banking Monitoring Department, where the topics included:

  1. View money history.
  2. The importance of financial markets in terms of the positive and the negative effects of the absence of financial markets with clarification of the most important functions of financial markets.
  3. Buying, selling and possessing securities and financial instruments in their various forms.
  4. Choices contracts (buy and sell).
  5. Iraqi money markets and possession of stocks and bonds.

The weekly newsletter of Arab capital markets issued by the Arab Monetary Fund was presented, showing the performance of the Arab Stock Exchange and the Arab trading volume.