
CBI cancels two previous Resolutions Regarding the Sharia Committee in Islamic Banks

January 18, 2021
CBI cancels two previous Resolutions Regarding the Sharia Committee in Islamic Banks


The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq decided, in its Resolution No. (213) for the year 2020, to cancel two resolutions (112) for the year 2020, which include amending paragraph (2) of the conditions for the independence of the controls of the Sharia advisory committee, and resolution (136) for the year 2019, which includes the approval of the controls of the Sharia advisory committee in its final form. And the previous resolutions that relate to the subject, and be satisfied with relying on international standards to determine the Sharia of Islamic banking products and developing the capabilities of the functional staff of the Sharia Supervision Section in the Department of Islamic Banking Supervision.