
The Project of Bridges Rehabilitation (Bab al-Mu'adham, Al-Ahrar, Al-Shuhada, al-Sinak and Imams

May 27, 2019
The Project of Bridges Rehabilitation (Bab al-Mu'adham, Al-Ahrar, Al-Shuhada, al-Sinak and Imams

In order to enhance the urban reality of the bridges of Baghdad and to preserve the important cultural heritage of the capital, the Board of Directors of the Tamkeen Initiative, sponsored by the Central Bank of Iraq, banks and the Iraqi exchange companies, decided at their regular meeting held at the Central Bank building on Thursday 23 May 2019 on Project of Bridges Rehabilitation (Bab al-Mu'adham, Al-Ahrar, Al-Shuhada, al-Sinak and Imams) and allocate the necessary funds to complete the rehabilitation process in coordination with the Ministries of Housing, Electricity and Baghdad Municipality and Baghdad Operations Command to complete the project within the next four months.

24 May 2019