Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 27/6 to 1/7/2021 .
The Central Bank of Iraq, Mosul Branch, organized an introductor .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 20/6 to 24/6/2021 .
At the invitation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Pr .
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib M .
Within the efforts of this bank to develop the work of the ban .
The Central Bank of Iraq, Mosul Branch, organized an introdu .
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib M .
His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. .
The Central Bank confirms "the stability of the dolla .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 13/6 to 17/6/2021 .
The Central Bank of Iraq announces an increase in the fundin .
To facilitate the procedures for citizens to obtain foreign cu .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 6/6 to 10/6/2021 .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 30/5 to 3/6/2021 .
The Central Bank of Iraq, the Mosul branch, organized an intro .