
CBI's Governor accepts the invitation of the Saudi Central Bank

October 24, 2021
CBI's Governor accepts the invitation of the Saudi Central Bank


His Excellency, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, visited Riyadh, accompanied by a delegation from the Iraqi banking sector, to enhance relations and prospects for cooperation in the banking sector and exchange expertise with the Saudi side.

The Governor met with the Saudi Central Bank administration on the sidelines of this visit. The Saudi side welcomed the Governor and his accompanying delegation, considering this visit a gateway to deepening relations between the two brotherly countries and the two monetary institutions and a step that will reflect positively on both sides.

They also discussed the readiness to open the field of exchanging expertise and cooperation in the foreign banking sector to establish a positive stage in economic relations between the Iraqi and Saudi sides.


Central Bank of Iraq
     Media Office
October 21, 2021