
Statement by an IMF Mission on Iraq

November 22, 2017
Statement by an IMF Mission on Iraq

Statement by an IMF Mission on Iraq

The Iraqi authorities and the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) continued discussions in Amman from November 17 to 21, 2017 on the third review of Iraq’s 36-month the Standby Credit Agreement. The IMF Executive Board approved the Standby Credit Agreement on July 7, 2016 (See Press Release No. 16/321), and completed the second review on August 1, 2017 (See Press Release No. 17/311).

At the end of the mission, Mr. Christian Josz, Mission Chief for Iraq, issued the following statement:

The Iraqi authorities and IMF staff continued discussions on the third review of the Standby Credit Agreement and made good progress towards reaching agreement on a draft 2018 budget in line with the  Standby Credit Agreement.

 “During the discussions, the team met with Acting Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), Dr. Ali Mohsen Ismail Al-Allaq, Acting Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr. Maher Johan, Deputy Minister of Planning, Dr. Qasim Enaya, Financial Adviser to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mudher Saleh, Chairman of the Board of Supreme Audit, and officials from the ministry of finance, CBI and the ministry of oil. The mission team would like to thank the Iraqi authorities for their cooperation and the open and productive discussions.”