
The Central Bank of Iraq issues a clarification regarding the loans of its various initiatives

May 01, 2023
The Central Bank of Iraq issues a clarification regarding the loans of its various initiatives

In continuation of the developmental role of the Central Bank of Iraq and its contribution to promoting economic growth, and achieving various monetary policy objectives, especially the stability of the general level of prices, this bank issued a clarification regarding its various initiatives.
Emphasizing the continuation of financing small and medium enterprises within the initiative of (4) trillion dinars according to the remaining allocation and an amount not exceeding (50) million dinars for each loan, and for a maximum period of (5) years, provided that the benefits, commissions and the rest of the same procedures are approved according to the unified controls of this initiative.
He explained that the initiative to finance the purchase of electric power generation units from renewable sources is also continuing, as part of an initiative to allocate an amount of (1) trillion dinars.
Stressing that continuing to provide financing to the Real Estate Bank and the Iraqi Housing Fund to grant housing loans to citizens and according to the previously allocated amounts, and this bank has not stopped providing its initiatives to the aforementioned parties within the amounts allocated since the launch of the initiatives, noting that the value of the initiative has increased since 2015 until now, and reached More than (18) trillion Iraqi dinars.
He called this bank, the real estate bank owned by the Federal Ministry of Finance, and the Iraqi Housing Fund of the Ministry of Housing and Construction to increase their capital, to maximize their financial resources and increase their lending capacity.
Media Office