
Central Bank Governor meets a delegation from Iron Point Iconic in Washington

April 11, 2023
Central Bank Governor meets a delegation from Iron Point Iconic in Washington

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail, met on Monday, April 10, 2023, with a delegation from the company (Iron Point Iconic), which is one of the largest owners of data centers in the world, and operates in more than 26 markets in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the company owns data centers for the largest global technology companies, in addition to developing and operating of these centers, including Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.
After the meeting, His Excellency the Governor stated that he had received a presentation from the company regarding global growth trends in the data center market, whose profits are expected to double in the next four years to reach about $720 billion, indicating that the company is looking forward to investments and development of data centers in Iraq to facilitate the transformation of the Iraqi economy to be as a digital.
His Excellency also stressed on the desire of the Central Bank of Iraq to develop its infrastructure, and the need to store and operate data on Iraqi territory to protect national security in line with international best practices.
Central Bank of Iraq
information Office
April 10, 2023