
CBI Governor Meets the French Ambassador in Iraq

November 28, 2022
CBI Governor Meets the French Ambassador in Iraq

His Excellency the CBI Governor, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, met Monday, His Excellency the French Ambassador in| Iraq, Mr. Eric Chevalier. The meeting dealt with the development of banking and economic relations and the exchange of experiences between Baghdad and Paris, as well as the promotion of financial inclusion and the commitment of the CBI in Anti-Money Laundering and financing of terrorism. His Excellency praised the development of Iraqi-French relations, especially on the economic level, as they have made great progress since the visit of the Iraqi delegation to Paris last July and our meeting with the French Central Bank Governor and French banks. His Excellency expressed the desire of the CBI for France to be the gate for Iraqi banks to launch into Europe, indicating that the Iraqi banking sector has gained international confidence that enabled it to progress at all levels.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
28 Nov. 2022