
CBI launches Health Concessional loans

October 07, 2022
CBI launches Health Concessional loans

The Central Bank of Iraq decided to include people with cancerous diseases and incurable cases with loans as part of its development initiative granted through authorized banks in Iraq. This comes from the role of the Central Bank to support the weak segments of Iraqi society who have health conditions that require spending on urgent and critical cases within its development initiatives as cancer patients and incurable cases were included to facilitate their access to the required treatment. The CBI has set the mechanism for granting concessional loans at a limits of (15) million dinars for the above cases. The loans are paid after submitting medical reports from the competent authorities that prove the pathological condition. These loans will be subject to the unified controls of the initiative with an administrative commission of the CBI by (5 per thousand) of the loan amount, which will be deducted for one time and the interest of (2.9%) decreasing in favor of the bank and with a repayment period not exceeding (5) years.

Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office