
CBI Governor meets Minister of Environment

August 23, 2022
CBI Governor meets Minister of Environment




His Excellency CBI Governor, Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, met Tuesday, His Excellency the Environment Minister, Dr. Jassim Al-Falahi. During the meeting, aspects of bilateral cooperation between the CBI and the Ministry of Environment were discussed, and the efforts made by the CBI administration in the direction of the green economy. During the meeting, His Excellency praised the efforts of the Ministry of Environment in highlighting the dangers of climate change and its effects so as to change the behavior of individuals and institutions with regard to addressing the phenomenon of desertification and water shortage, dealing with it, and adopting renewable energy instead of traditional means. His Excellency the Environment Minister praised the efforts of the CBI in supporting the interests of the country and the Ministry of Environment in issues of dealing with desertification and the adoption of electricity generation units from renewable energy and the subsequent steps of the CBI, the Ministry of Environment, and the rest of the institutions in addressing this phenomenon that casts a shadow on the earth future and humanity. It is noteworthy that the Central Bank of Iraq has allocated (1) trillion dinars for renewable energy as part of its development initiatives, in addition to organizing, in cooperation with the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture and Water Resources, the Iraqi Private Banks league and the private sector, an important specialized workshop on climate change, desertification and national security.


Central Bank of Iraq

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