
The CBI Governor meets his French Counterpart in Paris

July 22, 2022
The CBI Governor meets his French Counterpart in Paris


His Excellency the CBI Governor, Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, meet the Governor of the Central Bank of France, His Excellency François Villeroy de Gallo, in Paris. CBI Governor stated that he discussed with Mr. de Gallo the global economic developments, and the emphasis on developing banking and economic relations between the two countries, and for France to be the starting point for the Iraqi banking sector towards Europe, stressing that this sector is constantly developing in various levels, such as banking services and other indicators that are constantly rising. They also discussed Anti Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing and developing human resources working in the banking sector with international institutions. The French Central Bank Governor praised Iraq's efforts in developing Anti Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing and developing banking relations between the two countries, stressing that the French banking sector is open to its Iraqi counterpart, especially with regard to facilitating transfers and banking relations. On the other hand, His Excellency the Governor met a number of French banks and companies, and urged them to cooperate with Iraqi institutions and invest inside Iraq, stressing that the Iraqi banking sector is able to meet the requirements of French companies and facilitate their tasks. The CBI desires that France be the starting point for the banking sector towards Europe to create a network of distinguished banking relations. It is noteworthy that the CBI Governor is currently visiting France at the head of a large Iraqi banking delegation.


Central Bank of Iraq

    Media Office

    22 Jul. 2022