
CBI Governor receives a delegation from the Central Bank of Egypt

June 05, 2022
CBI Governor receives a delegation from the Central Bank of Egypt

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, received a delegation from the Central Bank of Egypt, headed by the Deputy Governor, Dr. Sherif Ashour, in response to an official invitation. During the meeting, they discussed developing and enhancing Iraqi-Egyptian relations at the level of the banking sector to serve the interests of the two countries and enhance financial inclusion.
His Excellency the Governor said: The Central Bank of Iraq always seeks to develop its relations with central banks to develop bilateral ties and increase cooperation, which will positively reflect the Iraqi economy.
The governor indicated that the mutual visits between the Central Bank of Iraq and Egypt are part of the cooperation efforts between the two parties, contributing to developing human resources for workers in the banking sector. His Excellency added: The Iraqi banking sector is witnessing development and openness to the outside. It is noteworthy that the delegation of the Central Bank of Egypt yesterday, Saturday, conducted a tour of the Central Bank of Iraq's new building and visited cultural and heritage landmarks in Baghdad. The visiting delegation praised CBI's grand architectural edifice that adorned the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
5 Jun 2022