
CBI postpones the payment of loan installments from the agricultural and industrial sectors initiative

May 17, 2022
CBI postpones the payment of loan installments from the agricultural and industrial sectors initiative




CBI postpones the payment of loan installments from the agricultural and industrial sectors initiative
The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq decided to postpone installments and interests payment of the agricultural and industrial banks' customers within the funds of its initiatives until 31 Dec 2024. Banks should receive installments from those who wish to continue paying.
It is noteworthy that the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq has studied the economic conditions that the country is going through and the challenges facing workers in various economic sectors, especially the agricultural and industrial sectors. CBI's success in financing its initiatives achieved its primary objectives of creating development, providing job opportunities, and filling part of the needs secured by imports, Which calls for supporting projects and mitigating the effects of the Corona pandemic and the economic conditions that prevail in the world. These circumstances affected the capabilities of some projects in performing their obligations to the banks that lent them in a way that ensures the continuation of the work of these projects and overcoming the temporary problems they face.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
17 May 2022