
The dollar exchange rate is stable and there are no intentions to change it

February 20, 2022
The dollar exchange rate is stable and there are no intentions to change it

The dollar exchange rate is stable and there are no intentions to change it


An authorized source in the Central Bank of Iraq stated today, Sunday, 20/2/2022, that there are no intentions to change the current exchange rate, especially after the positive results it achieved during the past period. And that the discussions that took place while hosting the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq in the Council of Representatives on Saturday, February 19, 2022, emphasized the need for concerted efforts by all government institutions to improve the economic and living standards of the poor classes that were affected by the high rate of inflation. The source called on the honorable public not to deal with the news that indicates the probability of a price change. He stressed that The Central Bank possesses sufficient foreign reserves to stabilize the current exchange rate.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
20 Feb 2022