
CBI participates in the construction, investment, and renewable energy Exhibitions in Najaf

February 16, 2022
CBI participates in the construction, investment, and renewable energy Exhibitions in Najaf

CBI participates in the construction, investment, and renewable energy Exhibitions in Najaf


The Central Bank of Iraq participated in the International Building, Reconstruction and Investment Exhibition 2022 and the Renewable Energy Exhibition, which the Najaf Governorate held.
The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank said: "The development opportunities in Iraq have been enhanced by the initiatives of the Central Bank of Iraq, including the initiative to finance the purchase of electricity generation units from renewable energy. The Central Bank has become a major driver for pulling the development locomotive in Iraq and filling the financing gap created by the country's conditions since 2014." The delegation explained the mechanisms of the Central Bank's initiatives and the employment opportunities that they created in Iraq.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
16 Feb 2022