
CBI joins Christians in their Christmas Celebrations

December 29, 2021
CBI joins Christians in their Christmas Celebrations

CBI joins Christians in their Christmas Celebrations
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, His Excellency Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, participated in Christmas celebrations with the Iraqi people. His Excellency and his deputy attended the festivals held in Mar Joseph Cathedral and the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad.
After completing the religious ceremony, CBI  distributed gifts to the children with the support of the Community Initiatives Fund, which is supervised by the Central Bank and the Iraqi Private Banks League and financed by private banks.
At the beginning of his speech, the Governor of the Central Bank congratulated Christians on the holidays, saying that: "The glorious Christmas, with its spiritual, religious and symbolic connotations, reinforces in our souls the values ​​of the one home," adding that "peaceful coexistence is the only option for building Iraq."
He explained that "the Iraqi mosaic, which includes all its components, is an important sign in Iraq, and gives an impression of coexistence and harmony among its nationalities."
For his part, Patriarch Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Governor of the Central Bank and the Iraqi Private Banks League.
In his speech, he said, "This great initiative contributes greatly to increasing fraternity among the Iraqi people," noting that "the Central Bank, through its Initiatives Fund, supports Christians by rehabilitating some churches."
 Central Bank of Iraq
 Media Office
24 Dec 2021