
CBI Governor meets the Minister of Youth and Sports

December 01, 2021
CBI Governor meets the Minister of Youth and Sports

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, discussed with His Excellency the Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr. Adnan Dirjal, and a group of representatives of Iraqi banks, the bank card project for youth. The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq said that the Central Bank supports the Ministry of Youth and Sports and encourages banks to issue a bank card targeting young people, contributing to the launch of banking services dedicated to them and enhancing financial inclusion and diversification of services. His Excellency explained that universities, colleges, schools, sports clubs, and others would use this card and be for its holder various discounts.
The Minister of Youth and Sports said that this initiative would benefit young people and allow the launch of various services used in sports facilities and others. The ministry will work with the Central Bank and banks to include all young people in all parts of Iraq and not be limited to a region or province. Representatives of the banking sector also welcomed this initiative. They affirmed their desire to participate and support this project in light of the full support of the Central Bank of Iraq.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
December 1, 2021