
November 17, 2021





Celebrating the founding of the Central Bank of Iraq
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, His Excellency Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, extends his sincere thanks and appreciation to the former Governors of the Central Bank of Iraq, Dr. Sinan Al-Shabibi, Dr. Abdul Basit Turki, and Mr. Ali Al-Alaq, for their participation in the celebration of seventy-fourth anniversary of the establishment of Central Bank of Iraq, which coincided with the completion of the structure of the new building of the Central Bank In Al-Jadriya, as each of them had his contribution to making the building reach this level of achievement.
His Excellency also thanks partners in this achievement, the executing company (DAAX), the Turkish company contributing to the implementation, and the Meinhardt Consulting Company. His Excellency would like to thank the distinguished guests, Dr. Suha Al-Najjar, Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Imad Jassim, representative of the Minister of Culture, their Excellences the ambassadors, the President of the Iraqi Private Banks League and its management, all banks managements and their employees, guests from all sides, and everyone who presented congratulatory messages and flower bouquets.
His Excellency extends thanks to the management and employees of the Central Bank of Iraq, who contributed from their positions in this outstanding national urban achievement. The Central Bank of Iraq will remain a beacon of progress and development, God willing.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
17 Nov 2021