
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq visits Al-Mutanabi Street

August 05, 2021
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq visits Al-Mutanabi Street


Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, accompanied by Mr. Alaa Maan, Mayor of Baghdad, visited Al-Mutanabi Street, the Culture Center in Iraq, to ​​see the street rehabilitation work.
His Excellency listened to a brief explanation of what artisans are doing in the art of architecture. It specialized restoration to show this street in an appearance befitting our beloved capital and the importance of this street in the history, present, and future of Baghdad’s culture and tourism as it will take a form that mixes heritage, historical dimension, and the functions of the place required by modernity.
 The Central Bank of Iraq, through the Community Initiative Fund, has implemented several initiatives to support culture, provide job opportunities for youth, and reconstruct skyscrapers and buildings with cultural, heritage, and spiritual dimensions to revive the Iraqi heritage.
Central Bank of Iraq
    Media Office
August 5, 2021