
CBI Governor meets with the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region

June 21, 2021
CBI Governor meets with the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region


At the invitation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Prime Minister, Mr. Masrour Barzani, received on Saturday, June 19, 2021, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef.
During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance coordination and cooperation between the regional government and the Central Bank of Iraq in reorganizing the banking sector and Anti_Money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism.
The Central Bank Governor dealt with frameworks to strengthen the banking sector through several things, the most important of which is the regulation of banks affiliated with the regional government and their licensing from the Central Bank also organizing the work of banking companies in preparation for their licensing. Several committees will begin their work to accomplish the tasks directed by the Prime Minister and the Governor.
The Prime Minister expressed his readiness to cooperate and coordinate with the Central Bank of Iraq and stressed that reorganizing the banking sector would constitute a solid and essential pillar for developing the economic infrastructure and consolidating the investment process, and gaining the confidence of international banks and financial institutions.
The Governor stressed the keenness of the Central Bank for its branch in the region to carry out its supervisory and monitoring duties effectively to ensure the banking sector's performance of its activities in light of the laws.
Central Bank of Iraq
   Media Office
June 19, 2021