
Iraq is outside the British classification of high-risk countries

April 18, 2021
Iraq is outside the British classification of high-risk countries


Within the framework of the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq and through the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Office to develop the business environment within the international compliance standards for Anti-Money laundering and terrorist financing. The British Treasury in the Department of the United Kingdom Government has not included the name of the Republic of Iraq among the lists of high-risk countries according to Resolution No. 392 of 2021.
The United Kingdom adopted the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to classify countries with high risks in implementing anti-money laundering and terrorist financing standards. After its exit from the European Union, Iraq was committed to keeping pace with and implementing international recommendations.
The failure to include Iraq in the list of countries with high risks reflects on facilitating business and entry of companies between the two countries and supporting financial operations between the Iraqi banking sector and the United Kingdom.
Central Bank of Iraq
     Media Office
   April 18, 2021