
Lifting the custody on Al Ataa Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance

November 28, 2019
Lifting the custody on Al Ataa Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance

Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq No. (154) for the year 2019, adopted at its session number (1187) held on 12/11/2019, which decided:
  1. The signing of the agreement by the conservator with the new administration of Al Ataa Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance and the initiation of the fundamental legal procedures.
  2. Lift the custody of Al Ataa Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance due to the end of the legal period.
  3. Forming a permanent supervisory committee in the bank, which includes (Mohammed Jawad Karim, Mustafa Mohammed Mustafa, Raja Nasser Hussein) to oversee its work and follow up on the implementation of the terms of the agreement mentioned in paragraph (1) above.