
CBI contributes to the rehabilitation of the second largest park in Baghdad

July 23, 2019
CBI contributes to the rehabilitation of the second largest park in Baghdad

The Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail, opened 14 July Park in Al Kadhimiya city, north of Baghdad, after being rehabilitated by the Engineering Department of the Iraqi Private Banks League in cooperation with the Municipality of Baghdad and funded by the Tamkeen Community Initiatives Fund.
The governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail, said that the rehabilitation of the park and its opening is an outlet for the people of Kadhimiya, and this initiative came to contribute to the reconstruction of the country to the appropriate level, "pointing out that" this project is part of the social contribution of the private sector represented by banks and exchange companies Mainly in cooperation with government institutions such as the Municipality of Baghdad and the municipal council of Kadhimiya. "
The governor added that "The Tamkeen Fund, which is supervised by the Central Bank of Iraq, gives special importance to such projects, and is currently working on a large afforestation campaign in all governorates of Iraq in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture."
The Tamkeen Fund has funded the rehabilitation of more than 11,700 square meters of the park in a record period to serve as an outlet for Baghdad’s families in the cities of Kadhimiya and Adhamiya.
Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
23 July 2019