
AML / CFT Office Signs Memorandum of Understanding with a Counterpart in Jordan

April 28, 2019
AML / CFT Office Signs Memorandum of Understanding with a Counterpart in Jordan

In the framework of international cooperation between AML / CFT office and counterpart units in other countries for the purpose of unifying efforts to confront money laundering and terrorist financing crimes and to cooperate in the exchange of information related to these two serious offenses and to reflect the spirit of cooperation and common interests in facilitating, organizing and accelerating the exchange of information on anti-money laundering and combating of financing terrorism and related criminal activities, subject to reciprocity and within the scope of national legislation in force, and based on the provisions of Item (1) of Article (29) of the AML / CFT Law No. (39) 2015 (the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the anti-money laundering and the financing of terrorism in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) on the sidelines of the twenty-ninth general meeting of the Financial Action Task Force for the Middle East and North Africa (MENAFATF) on 04.23.2019.

In a related context, the AML / CFT Office signed a bilateral memorandum of understanding with the Danish Attorney General for Serious Economic Crimes of the Kingdom of Denmark on 20/2/2019 and the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Financial Investigation Unit in the Kingdom of Belgium on 25/2/2019. The AML / CFT Office is currently seeking further bilateral memorandums of understanding with counterpart units, which will have a positive impact on the fight against financial crime in particular and the fight against organized crime in general.

28 April 2019