The Central Bank of Iraq, Mosul Branch, organized an introductor .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 23/5 to 27/5/2021 .
The Central Bank of Iraq has completed the performance Scoreca .
§ Updated banknotes of Syrian Lira (5000) category § .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 9/5 to 11/5/2021 .
His Excellency Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Musta .
The Central Bank of Iraq shares with our people its grief ov .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 25/4 to 29/4/2021 .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 18/4 to 22/4/2021 .
Within the framework of the efforts of the Central Bank of I .
Prices of bullion and gold coins from Sunday 11/4 to 15/4/2021 .
His Excellency, the Central Bank of Iraq Governor, Mr. Mustafa .
Within the framework of cooperation with the Arab Monetary F .